Wal-Mart Parking Lot: My New Favorite Place to Go!

Carolyn HillUncategorized

OK, after reading the title of this post, you might be thinking,

“This chick really needs to get out more!”  

But I’m here to tell you…the place I always dreaded going to the mostWAL-MARThas become my fave.  See, after hundreds (maybe thousands) of trips to Wally World, I had gotten to the point where I absolutely despised it. I had to do SOMETHING to change my perspective and attitude!  I had a revelation of sorts. It was time to put into practice what  I had learned from some really great teachers: if you want to increase your joy, you’ve got to start focusing on blessing others…even in Wal-Mart!

So I decided to change my ways! Now my primary goal in Wal-Mart is to bless people AND my secondary goal is to buy cheap stuff! It’s like an adventurous treasure hunt; I am looking for people that need some encouragement.  Being on the look-out for people who need a helping hand or just a simple, kind word is so much fun! But the most fun is buying a few gift cards and surprising the heck out of people by giving them away!

I admit, my heart races and I get kind of nervous about approaching people, but the key is to pray for the Holy Spirit to lead. I have never been disappointed yet!! I have found that the parking lot, as people are coming in, works really well.  I pray first and ask God to make people who need encouragement to “stand out” to me, and when He does, I know God is going to do His thing!

 One day the Lord brought a lady to my attention that looked very downtrodden and weary.  As she got closer I walked toward her and  handed her the gift card. (SIDE NOTE: this is called “Pressing Through the Awkward!”LOL)!  I said, “Here’s a little gift to brighten your day!” This dear soul started crying. She said, “I just don’t understand why you would do this for me.”  I felt like the Lord wanted me to tell her that He sees her, and He loves her.

It’s amazing how God will use such a small thing to do such a big thing in people’s hearts (the receiver and the giver). The truth is: if it weren’t for Him, and the grace He’s given me, I would not be walking around the Wal-Mart parking lot giving people gifts!  He is the one inspiring all of this and truly making it work! He is the one creating divine appointments, and providing the means to make it happen.

Another one of the most poignant encounters I have ever experienced was with an elderly gentleman. I gave him a card and a hug, and I was floored when he told me that he hadn’t been hugged in years! He said, “I’ve never had something like this happen to me before.”

 This is the most fun I’ve ever had at Wal-Mart…for sure! And you know, things have been tough lately, and my heart has been heavy, but doing these kinds of things truly restores my soul! 

How about you? Could you use more joy and restoration for your soul? When we allow Jesus to work through us…there is nothing like it.  I dare you to have a blast today too!  Go solo or grab some friends or family and go to Wal-Mart, (or whatever store or place suits your fancy) and buy some gift cards in whatever amounts you can.  It doesn’t have to be a big amount, and people can chip in to be able to give more! Maybe it’s just one card…that’s fantastic!   Then pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you to give the gifts to people who could use the encouragement.  Just walk up and say, “Excuse me sir/ma’am, I just want you to have this gift today.”  Then prepare for the blessings to flow!

Jesus said it best, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

Please spread this message of love and joy! Please share 🙂 Thanks and God Bless!