A Powerful Dream

Carolyn HillUncategorized

It was so very real.  Last night in my dream my Daddy…his beautiful face…his kind and loving presence…was so real. I was with him again.  He looked healthy, vibrant and happy. In my dream he had come back from heaven and we were in our old house from my childhood. I was completely overwhelmed and overjoyed. When I woke up, and realized it was a dream, I felt like my heart was breaking all over again.  I love him and miss him so much.


Jerod held me as I cried for a long time. He said, “I’m so sorry…I have to believe this is part of your healing.” I know he’s right. It’s hard to accept, but the healing process is painful.  


Now, a few hours later, I’ve been praying, asking God to help me process why I had this experience. This is what He’s given me so far:


First, my Daddy is in heaven, and I believe he is healthy, vibrant and happy…beyond my comprehension and beyond what I saw in this incredibly realistic dream.  As much as I mourn for him, I am so thankful that I know he is there with the Lord. I’ll see him again!


Second, my Dad’s kindness, gentleness, love and humility is an inspiration to me. I have some situations in my life where people do not behave with my Dad’s characteristics… to say the least. I find myself wanting to retaliate. Through this dream, it’s as if God is reminding me that I must choose the high road. He will strengthen me, just as he did my Dad.


Third, I am reminded that the most important thing is to love. To accept the love of God and to love others enough to share with them the truth of Jesus is the most loving thing I can do. I have loved ones that don’t know Jesus yet, and I have been growing weary of praying and believing. But this dream intensely reminds me that with Jesus there is hope! He is the way, the truth and the life and I want everyone to have it! I can’t give up!


We don’t really want to think about death, but it is our reality whether we face it or not. Many of you already know Jesus, but if you don’t, my heart is for you to know Him and have eternal life. You can pray for God to help your unbelief. If you have felt him tugging at your heart but you have been resisting him, I encourage you to resist him no more. Even through painful tears today, He is with me, and there’s nothing that compares to that.


You can pray this prayer, and if you really mean it, you will have made the best decision you could ever make!


Dear God,
I know I am a sinner. I have made mistakes, and I have been living to please myself, and I ask for your forgiveness.
I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life.
I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will.
I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen ❤️


This is the beginning…then it’s growing and learning in church, through studying the Bible, praying and getting to know Him…developing a relationship with Him.  


I just know that in my own life, in the dark valleys, in the pain…Jesus is my hope, my light and my salvation.


I love you but more importantly He loves you.


“For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but will have eternal life.” John 3:16


This year is just beginning… And we can decide today to walk through it step-by-step with Jesus. He is truly what this life is all about. He is love❤️