5 Reasons We Need to Recharge in the Ultimate Power Source

Carolyn HillFaith

    There are 5 reasons we need to recharge in the ultimate power source… just like our phone:

1) We were designed to recharge!
2) Jesus is our example and He did it!
3) God the Father even did it…I am starting to see a pattern here!
4) Pressing through on “low battery mode” is short lived. Choosing to rest and recharge before we are completely “out” ensures that we live life to our fullest capacity.
5) Recharging in God’s presence sets our day on the right course which leads to a right week, month, year and life!

So, I admit I have moments when I am “blonder than I pay to be!” (Thank you Dolly Parton, that’s a great line)! Case in point: my phone and I were having trouble texting, voice mailing, and so on. It just seized up. So my friend (who is a techie genius in my eyes) asked me, “Have you turned it completely off lately?” I sheepishly answered, “Ummmm, no.” So I powered it down, let it rest, and charged it up. To my amazement, when I turned it back on, it lit up like a Christmas tree on Halloween in Branson, MO! Now I had voice mails, text messages, emails…the works! It hit me that I am a lot like my phone: I am created to do work, planned in advance for me to do (Ephesians 4:10), AND I’m created to rest. Think about it: God commanded a Sabbath day in the week for us to rest and consequently recharge. God even set the example for us when He rested on the 7th day. Likewise Jesus Christ, our perfect Lord, took time away alone to be with God. Being alone with the Father recharged Him and filled Him with power to minister to the masses. And God longs to do the same for us!

So why is it that just like my phone…I keep going and going until I am completely fried? No matter what our culture says, we need to take time alone with God to rest and recharge in Him. He will completely re-calibrate us! Can we turn ourselves “off” and “plug into Him” so we can actually be still and know that He is God? I’m learning that if we ever think that we cannot afford to stop and rest in Him, we will find that we actually cannot afford not to! He is our ultimate source of life and He provides the power!

Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”