Comparison Steals Joy!

Carolyn HillFaith

When I give my kids lollipops, they investigate them and make sure they’re equal and that one isn’t better or bigger than the other. I’m not a perfect parent by any means, but I feel like by now they should trust me, and know I love them, want to bless them, and certainly don’t want to cause them to be jealous of one another. But it occurred to me that many times when we see one of our brothers or sisters in Christ receive blessings, success, gifts, and so on…we can feel jealous and wonder, “What about me?” Or we try to compare what we’ve been given and often feel skeptical, cheated or bitter. Please Lord help me and all of us to not be like selfish little kids who get so caught up in ourselves that we can’t see the truth! Our Heavenly Father IS the perfect parent and trusting Him is such a better, wiser way to go…rather than comparing ourselves to others. If someone else’s blessings make us jealous, we have to realize that we have lost sight of truth, and it’s time to get on our face and ask God to help us. Thankfully He knows we’re human, and He will help us! He will show us His love, mercy, and forgiveness and show us a better way. Then those yucky feelings of selfishness will dissipate. Consequently whatever “lollipop” we receive will taste delicious and put a grateful smile on our face!