Fly High

Carolyn HillUncategorized

Today was quite a day. I drove through the intersection where my Daddy lost his life. Since the tragic car accident a couple of weeks ago, I had not seen where it happened. Frankly I had been dreading experiencing it. It was definitely painful…and I cried…or sobbed may be a better description. But I felt the peace that only Jesus brings. A deep knowing that my precious Daddy is safe and he is in heaven gives me rest in my spirit.  Heaven…where he is experiencing the most unimaginable joy, love and peace!  I am so happy for my sweet Daddy…just so very sad because I miss him so much.

Soon after getting through that experience, I headed just up the road to my Daddy’s store. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the sign that said, “Fly High Joe.” His employees at his store had placed those letters there to honor him. I walked into the store with my Mother. It’s hard to explain the mixture of emotions when people start talking about him. I’m hungry to hear their stories, yet my heart breaks. One sweet lady, named Faith, told me that the day it happened my Daddy was in an extra good mood. He was always kind and sweet, but that day he was singing (gosh he could sing) and joking and sharing Bible verses with them.  She said, “I always loved and appreciated when he’d do that. Made my day.” Then she started to cry, and we hugged and both cried.

Then Faith shared something with me that confirmed how I have been feeling since I got that initial shocking phone call. The young man who had been driving the 18 wheeler and ran the red light…at the crash scene…was down on his hands and knees, wailing and crying out to God. Oh this wrenches my heart! I just knew that this poor soul had to be devastated at what had happened. I’m telling you, I am amazed, but from the instant I learned what happened, I have had zero hostility toward this man. I will continue to pray for him, and he has my complete forgiveness. Right now I have no idea who he is, but I will reach out to him someday. I know that this is God in me, plain and simple.  

There are not many things in this life that are harder than this. It hurts, and it hurts badly. But through it all, God has given me a peace that passes all understanding. He has loved on my family and I through so many people…it’s truly unbelievable.  And as my Mother and I drove home, God painted the sky like only He can do. My Mother said, “That’s the most beautiful sky I’ve ever seen.”  Yes, it was for me too. And Almighty God who blessed us with that gorgeous sky is blessing my sweet Daddy right now. Daddy is with Him in his true home, and we’ll join him there someday. What a sweet day that will be! But until then, I want to represent my earthly Father and my Heavenly Father…because they are all about love. And in this life…that is all that matters. Loving God, and loving people. And that’s what I’m going to do.

Fly High.

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4