How I Found My Moxie From Alaskan Sled Dogs!

Carolyn HillFaith, Uncategorized

Future Alaskan Sled Dog

My Mother always dreamed of going on an Alaskan cruise.  After Daddy passed away last October in a tragic car accident, my sister, niece and I decided to make my Mother’s dream a reality.

Girl’s trip!

We had a fantastic time 🙂 The entire trip was covered by God’s grace, favor and love. We cruised on the Ruby Princess from Seattle and stopped at Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan, and Victoria, Canada. We also sailed through Glacier Bay which was the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen! There were whales, bears, sea otters, and dolphins thriving in their element. Truly God’s majesty was overwhelming! I had to pinch myself multiple times!

Glacier Bay, Alaska

Enjoying Alaska

Marjorie Glacier

Praise and Worship





In Juneau we visited a sled dog/musher camp! The people and dogs who live there actually race in the famous Iditarod Race.  The Iditarod is a 1,000 mile sled dog/musher race across Alaska in sub zero temperatures through extremely rough terrain.  People and dogs have died doing it! Yet the passion and grit of the mushers and dogs to do what they do is palpable!  You’ve got to watch this short clip of the sled dogs to witness how excited they are to take us on a ride!

As I observed the dogs I had this thought: “If I had 20% of their excitement toward whatever task was at hand, it would change my world!” You see, as of late, I’ve struggled to find my moxie.




1. The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.
2. Aggressive energy; initiative.
3. Skill; know-how.
To be quite honest there have been many days in which I was doing well to shower, dress and eat.  Let’s just put it this way: it’s been a tough couple of years.  However, these Alaskan sled dogs sparked something inside of me!
I had a revelation: that kind of moxie is down in me!
The Holy Spirit brought several verses to my mind:
Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. – Colossians 3:23
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  – Proverbs 23:7 
I began to pray, “Lord, I really want to approach life…whatever comes down the pike…with moxie! I can only do it with your help!” Then He gave me a clear vision of what I needed to do. Just like the dogs barking in excitement, I can speak positive words of faith. The murmuring and complaining have to stop!  And just like the dogs jumping up and down, I can praise and worship with every fiber of my being. I may feel sluggish, but worshiping Him resets my perspective! And just like the dogs wagging their tails, I can smile and show my joy in the Lord!
Later on the Lord confirmed that taking action, even if I am not “feeling it” is what He wants me to do.  I read these words in Revelation 2:4a, “You have forgotten your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.”
Do the things you did at first.”  Yes! I don’t know about you, but I started out very enthusiastically in my walk with God, in marriage, in parenting, in keeping up my home, in ministry, and so on. However, heartaches and trials have done their best to take me out!
 But as I absorbed the complete an total zeal, vigor and moxie of those darn Alaskan sled dogs, I felt hope!
If I could take their approach to life, how much better would that be?! I can remember my first love, realize how far I’ve fallen, and repent! Then I can do the things I did at first:
1) Bark – speak joyfully, enthusiastically and positively (using scripture is the ultimate)!
2) Jump – Praise and Worship with thanksgiving in my heart!
3) Wag my tail – Smile! Let the Lord’s light shine on me and reflect it!
I can do that. How about you? Are you lacking moxie? Are you tired? Are you discouraged? Has your passion fizzled? I understand!  I challenge you to take action steps to ignite your fire! How we approach life, no matter how we feel, is a game changer. We can “return to our first love, and do the things we did at first!”
Also I must say that sled dogs are excellent at listening and obeying their master.  They trust him completely and do exactly what he says.  I know I could do much better in this regard. Sled dogs only have a mere human musher to follow, but we have the perfect God Almighty! Another admirable quality is their ability to work well together as a team. Not all dogs “make the team.” The ability to work and do their part alongside the others is a huge factor.  Again it’s about attitude and moxie! Yep those sled dogs are pretty awesome :-).
Since I’ve been home, I have been imitating sled dogs and doing much better! Praise God!  My approach to my time with Jesus, my husband and my kids has been transformed! I’m simply amazed at how God gets through to me.
 My prayer for you is that you will take steps of obedience toward an attitude of excitement and passion for your first love.  Activate that can-do spirit…moxie…determination in Christ by doing the things you did at first!  I pray that passion will burn inside of you, and that you will be revitalized and set on fire for Him and the life He has set before you! In Jesus’ Name!! Amen!
Sweet boy!
 Sled DogsCamp