Hungry For God; The Amazing Power Of Fasting

Carolyn HillFaith

Hungry For God; Let's Talk About Fasting
Hungry For God

Do you want Jesus to be your best friend…your closest confidant? Is your desire to do His will? Do you need to be spiritually revived? Are you weary from being attacked? Could you use wisdom, healing, restoration in relationships…a breakthrough?? I boldly declare that you need to fast and pray!  

Let’s be real: most of us want to do things OUR way…or at least understand “why?” For instance, I cannot explain why fasting works, I just know it does! I’ve experienced it. Jesus said “WHEN you Fast and pray” (Matthew 6:16) not IF!! The Bible instructs us to do it, and that’s all we need to know!

My prayer is that you will start fasting and praying. I know it will vastly improve your walk with God, and therefore your entire life!!

Isn’t Fasting For Monks and Priests?

I will never forget my first fast. I was very reluctant and skeptical. My perception was that fasting was for monks and priests, not an ordinary girl like me. Honestly I was not looking forward to going without (my precious) food! But the whole point of spiritual fasting is to seek God. Instead of eating, it’s praying and listening to God. It’s saying no to our flesh and yes to God’s will! It’s a way of showing Him that He is our everything and we want what He wants!

The results of my 1st fast were stunning:
#1) I felt God’s presence like never before!
#2) God gave me clarity like I had never experienced before!
#3) And He moved on my behalf in a powerful (miraculous) way!

The Testimony of My 1st Fast

 I needed to know if quitting my job as an entertainer and becoming a stay-at-home wife and mommy was the best plan for my family and me. Our marriage/family was suffering, but this was the kicker: the finances did not add up. If I quit my job, we would have to make a major lifestyle change… including downsizing and selling a vehicle, etc. We were willing to do that, but giving up my career (doing something I loved) was nothing to sneeze at! I had about a million doubts and fears!

But God has ALL the answers; we just have to sincerely seek Him…read His word, pray, listen, trust and obey. Fasting is the best way to do this! Fasting takes us to a place of intimacy with the Lord that is just different. It’s magnified.

God gave me crystal clear clarity that I should quit my job! Then He increased my husband’s income to more than cover the difference within 3 months!! We didn’t do a thing to make that happen! The Lord Almighty made it happen!! On top of all that, our marriage and family became stronger, healthier and happier than I ever thought possible! And He blessed me with multiple opportunities to lead worship, which has far exceeded my dreams of doing what I love to do! 

I get so excited remembering this, I have to stop and praise Him!!!


God Brings the Breakthrough

He gave me the answer, He provided the solution AND because of that very special time spent in close communication with God, my faith and love for Him increased exponentially!

I don’t know about you, but when I am faced with major decisions in life, the pros and cons and everything in between can get really confusing. But God can give us the wisdom, clarity and increased faith when we seek Him with fasting and prayer! But the true blessing of fasting is His presence and the closeness and deepened relationship with Him.

 Jesus Fasted

I figure if Jesus fasted, if Esther, David, Daniel, Moses, Elijah, Paul etc. fasted, I certainly need to!

Fasting will help us grow a more intimate relationship with Christ and will open our eyes to what He wants to teach us. I encourage you to study fasting in the Bible. You can search online for all scriptures about fasting (Isaiah 58 is my favorite).

Check out the Daniel Fast

which is 21 days, or you can set a different time frame: sun up to sun down, 3 days, 7 days, etc. Also you can do a fast from all food and just drink liquids, or fast from certain foods like sugar, meat, bread and so on. If our motivation and heart is to seek God, that is what matters! He will bless your serious act of seeking Him!! Draw close to Him, and He will draw close to you and break every chain in Jesus’ Name!

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice
and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
and break every yoke?”
Isaiah 58:6

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