Just Call Me Rachael Ray!

Carolyn HillFaith

Frankly, no one is ever going to confuse me with Rachael Ray! I love food…but cooking…it’s not my forte! However, this morning I conjured up a beautiful fantasy of creating a scrumptious, old fashioned breakfast for my hungry household. It just sounded so delightful and well, you know, so picture-perfect! I attempted to make my fantasy into a reality. Womp Wah. No matter how hard I tried to make “from scratch” pancakes, they just kept getting harder and crispier on the outside while FLATLY REFUSING to cook on the inside! They had as many craters as the man in the moon and were so pitifully thin that I was flabbergasted at how they could POSSIBLY remain doughy in the middle! After a few rounds of producing the ugliest pancakes I’ve ever seen, I still had a ton of batter in the bowl. Good grief it seemed to be multiplying itself like the BLOB! So I googled, “How to make perfect pancakes,” and Google promised that baking soda would help their current condition. Hallelujah! So I calculated the needed amount and carefully added it in. The concoction became so bitter, I just had to throw the whole mess out! Apparently Nabisco created ready-made pancakes for peeps like me! IHOP, anyone??
Have you ever felt like you should be good at (fill in the blank) but when you try, it’s always a flop? I am quite convinced (after 16 years of marriage and 13 years of motherhood) that the passion and talent of a great cook is just.not.in.me. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a passion for scrubbing toilets either, but I do realize there are some things I just gotta do anyway. But this morning it hit me: why oh why do I beat myself up for not having a passion or gift for cooking? Perhaps I believe that being a great cook = being a great wife and mom. “Shouldn’t I be able to pull off (fill in the blank)?” But truthfully I do not enjoy cooking or eating my cooking! Ha! But through my life, the belief that “I should” found its way into my heart. What is that “should” for you? What do you feel you should be passionate and gifted at, yet it eludes you over and over again? Where did this belief come from? Does it line up with God’s word, or is it really a “family thing,” a “cultural thing” or is it a deception placed on you by the enemy? Case in point: I’ve signed up online to bring meals (to people who are sick, just had a baby or are in mourning) and when I type in,”I will order from the restaurant of their choice,” people have actually reprimanded me for not making a home cooked meal! It is as though all women should be good at this! These are the kinds of things that shape our insecurities if we’ll let them. Listen, the Proverbs 31 woman “provides food for her family” but it never mentions her being a gourmet cook!

What if our true passion and gifting needs more of our time and attention, AND cooking (or fill in the blank) doesn’t need much of our time and attention…with NO SHAME attached?! (Don’t worry, I won’t let my family starve)! Seriously, what would that look like? I feel hope rising! It allows me to freely enjoy (without shame or jealousy) the passions and gifts of others and then I can hone the passions and gifts God gave me. Honestly, when we are the guests of people who CAN STINKIN’ COOK we are so blessed and appreciate their gift so much! Providing delicious food for people really is a ministry. It’s just not my ministry. And that’s got to be OK. The passions and gifts that God HAS given us were meant to bless somebody else! Here’s a thought: enjoy the heck out of other people’s gifts and also enjoy functioning in your own…without comparing!!

Comparison totally stinks! I don’t like it when people compare me to others, when I compare myself to others, OR when I compare others to others. It causes frustration and zaps the joy and PURPOSE God gave me and you. For example, my 2 sons are completely opposite, and it’s tempting to constantly compare them. This is so silly because it’s evident they were created by God for different purposes…on purpose!! Where one has strengths the other has weaknesses and vice versa. When they come together their teamwork is a beautiful sight to see! See, when we want to possess someone else’s gift, it just creates this feeling of hopelessness….for a good reason….we were never meant to be just like them! Consider these truths:
Galatians 6:4-5 “Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.”

I challenge you to study 1 Corinthians 12 for more awesome revelation on this subject!!

So when comparison starts to happen, please recognize it for what it is: the devil’s ploy to discourage you and render you useless!! In Jesus’ name we are created uniquely (on purpose) and any comparison that steals our joy and peace can be cast down to the pit of hell where it came from! We have too many wonderful things to do for God that He created us in advance to do!!

Don’t rob the world: Excel in your passion and gift! God made you on purpose for a purpose!!

Ain’t nobody got time to worry about “shoulds” and comparisons!!

Now, who wants to meet us at IHOP?!